DeGroote School of Business


Course requirements

Outlined in the table on this page are the course requirements for each specialization.


Students typically complete all required coursework within the first two years of the program, building a strong foundation in their chosen specialization.

In the summer of their second year, they take the comprehensive exam, demonstrating their mastery of key concepts and research methodologies. By the end of their third year, students complete their thesis proposal, refining their research questions and methodology under faculty guidance.

After successfully defending their proposal, students focus on conducting original research, analyzing findings, and preparing their dissertation. The final stage is the thesis defense, where students present and defend their research before a committee.

Need additional course information?

For more information about specific courses, please contact the Academic Administrative Assistant responsible for the field of study:

Anita Blaney

(905) 525-9140  ext 24630



Alisha Nguyen

(905) 525-9140  ext 24436

Health Policy and Management


Strategic Management

Christine McConnell

(905) 525-9140  ext 24434

Operations Management

Information Systems

Human Resources and Management

Filter Courses by Department

Code Title Subject Area
A771 Seminar in Research Methods and Design in Accounting Research Accounting
A772 Seminar in Financial Accounting Research Accounting
A773 Seminar in Managerial Accounting Research Accounting
B780 Organizational Behaviour: Field Research and Issues Human Resources and Management
B781 Organizational Theory: Field Research and Issues Human Resources and Management
B782 Applied Multivariate Statistics MOBHR
B785 Research Methods & Design: Qualitative Human Resources and Management
B790 Theory Building in Management Common
B791 Field Surveys: Organizational Behaviour and Organizational Theory MOBHR
B792 Field Surveys: Human Resources and Industrial Relations MOBHR
B793 Applied Multivariate Statistics MOBHR
B794 Research Methods and Design MOBHR
B795 Research Issues: Organizational Behaviour and Organizational Theory MOBHR
B796 Research Issues: Human Resources and Industrial Relations MOBHR
B797 Research Course I MOBHR
B798 Research Course II MOBHR
B799 Selected Topics in Management of Organizational Behaviour and Human Resources MOBHR
C780 Mixed Methods Research Health Policy and Management
C781 Health Economics and Evaluation Health Policy and Management
C782 Health Policy Analysis Health Policy and Management
C783 Research Issues in Health Management Health Policy and Management
F770 Financial Economics and Quantitative Methods Finance
F771 Financial Economics I Finance
F772 Financial Economics II Finance
F773 Empirical Methods in Finance Finance
F774 Seminar in Corporate Finance Finance
K778 Selected Topics in Information Systems I Information Systems
K779 Selected Topics in Information Systems II Information Systems
K791 Knowledge Management Systems Information Systems
K792 Security, Privacy and Trust in eBusiness Information Systems
K793 Mobile Commerce and Social Networks Information Systems
K794 Advances in Information Systems Research Information Systems
K795 Qualitative Methods in Information Systems Research Information Systems
K796 Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analytics Information Systems
K797 Independent Research Study Information Systems
M771 Marketing Foundations Marketing
M772 Marketing Models and Modeling Marketing
M773 Inter-Organizational Research in Marketing Marketing
M774 Special Topics in Marketing Strategy I Marketing
M775 Special Topics in Marketing Strategy II Marketing
Q771 Stochastic Processes with Business Applications Management Science
Q772 Networks and Graphs in Operations Research Management Science
Q773 Mathematical Programming: Theory and Algorithms Management Science
Q774 Combinatorial Optimization: Complexity and Heuristics Management Science
Q775 Optimization and Machine Learning with Big Data Management Science
Q778 Selected Topics in Management Science Management Science
Q780 Mathematical Modeling in Management Science General
Q781 Management Science Research Issues II Management Science
Q782 Dynamic Programming and Optimal Control Management Science
Q783 Game Theory and Decision Analysis Management Science
Q784 Supply Chain Design and Coordination Management Science
Q785 Queuing Theory and Computer Simulation Management Science
Q786 Network Design Issues in Freight Transportation Management Science
Q787 Optimization Under Uncertainty Management Science
Q790 Advanced Operations Management I Management Science
Q791 Advanced Operations Management II Management Science
Q792 Statistical Methodologies for Quality Control Management Science
Q793 Sequencing and Scheduling Management Science
Q794 Inventory Theory Management Science