DeGroote School of Business

Information Systems

About Information Systems

The DeGroote PhD in Information Systems provides you with the opportunity to work with leading researchers exploring how technologies are changing the way we work and live . It is a multidisciplinary field and draws on theory and research from a wide variety of disciplines such as organization behaviour, strategy, marketing, psychology, computer science and information studies.

The field is broad, and students are free to adopt either qualitative or quantitative approaches to their research.

The program is intended for students with a strong background and interest in information technology. Students should have an avid interest in the managerial and behavioural aspects of the field, as opposed to the technical aspects. Successful applicants typically have a master’s degree in business administration, computer science or information systems.

Required Courses

  • B790 – Seminar on Management Theory

Four PhD seminar courses:

  • B784 – Research Methods & Design: Quantitative
  • B785 – Research Methods & Design: Qualitative
  • B793 – Applied Multivariate Statistics
  • K797 – Independent Research Study

One PhD Information Systems course, chosen from:

  • K778 – Selected Topics in Information Systems I
  • K779 – Selected Topics in Information Systems II
  • K791 – Knowledge Management Systems
  • K792 – Security, Privacy and Trust in eBusiness
  • K794 – Advances in Information Systems Research
  • K796 – Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analytics

Students may also be required to take additional courses depending on the strength of their background in the field. The maximum of 12 required courses still applies.

Milena Head

Dr. Milena Head is a professor of information systems, and Academic Director of the EMBA program, at the DeGroote School of Business. Her current work focuses on electronic commerce, and human-computer interaction (HCI). Her research interests include: online trust, adoption of electronic commerce and new technologies; interface design; cross-cultural, gender and age issues related to technology use; and, the potential negative impacts of technology, including identity theft, techno-stress, and cyber-bullying.

Milena Head

Professor, Information Systems

Maryam Ghasemaghaei

Maryam Ghasemaghaei’s research interests relate to the use of data analytics in organizations. Her works have appeared in top research outlets such as MIS Quarterly, Journal of Management Information Systems, Journal of Strategic Information Systems, Information Systems Journal, European Journal of Information Systems, Information & Management, Decision Support Systems, Journal of Business Research, and Communications of the Association for Information Systems. She is currently serving on the editorial board of Decision Support Systems and Internet Research, as well as an associate editor in ICIS and as a mini-track cochair in AMCIS.

Maryam Ghasemaghaei

Associate Professor, Information Systems

Shane Saunderson

Shane Saunderson is an Assistant Professor of Information Systems at the DeGroote School of Business and an expert in the design and psychology of interactions with social machines. His research investigates the ways in which we anthropomorphize humanlike technologies (i.e. robots and AI agents), the influence they have on the people who use them, and the implications of embedding them into our homes and workplaces. Particularly as these technologies are being looked to as solutions to help older adults age gracefully and in place, it is critical to understand how they fit into our social fabric and change the nature of our humanity

Shane Saunderson

Assistant Professor, Information Systems



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