DeGroote School of Business


The Finance specialization is designed for highly-motivated and academically strong students with a solid Master’s level training in finance, economics, mathematics, physics, engineering, or related subjects. It’s suited for students who wish to pursue academic careers or research-related opportunities in the financial industry or the public sector.

Strong quantitative skills are required.

During the first two years, students undertake course work, take comprehensive exams (in two parts), and develop a research proposal. Following years are devoted to completing a thesis.

The experienced research faculty within DeGroote’s Finance area are well-equipped to supervise students working in a variety of specialties, including corporate finance, capital markets, and derivatives.

Required Courses

  • B790 – Seminar on Management Theory
  • Five Finance PhD courses:
    • F770 – Financial Economics and Quantitative Methods
    • F771 – Financial Economics I
    • F772 – Financial Economics II
    • F773 – Empirical Methods in Finance
    • F774 – Seminar in Finance
  • Five courses from the Department of Economics:
    • 721 – Microeconomic theory I
    • 722 – Microeconomic theory II
    • 723 – Macroeconomic Theory I
    • 761 – Econometrics I
    • 762 – Econometrics II
  • Students are also required to take one additional 700-level course in business, economics or mathematics. The specific course will be determined in consultation with your supervisor.


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