Whether you have questions about admissions, program requirements, funding opportunities, or research areas, we’re here to help. Our team is dedicated to supporting prospective and current students as they navigate their academic journey.
You can contact the PhD team at DeGroote by emailing busphd@mcmaster.ca for inquires from current students and phdinfo@mcmaster.ca for inquiries from prospective students.
Get in touch with us today—we look forward to connecting with you!
DeGroote School of Business
1280 Main Street West
Hamilton, Ontario
L8S 4M4
Location: DSB 104 (ground level)
busphd@mcmaster.ca (current students)
phdinfo@mcmaster.ca (prospective students)
Book a one-on-one consultation with our admissions team to learn about the program and start your degree journey.
Access upcoming events, webinars and information sessions to learn more about a DeGroote PhD.
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